Have you explored your interest in a sport, school club, music, art, drama, or community volunteer activity? Join an honors club/society such as CSF, NHS, or a science, math, history, foreign language honor society at your school. What are your favorite activities in and outside of school?
Have you had a summer job, internship, program, or volunteer position that has helped you learn about a field of interest?
Start thinking about your life after school, including the types of jobs that might interest you. Of course, these will change – often – but it is good to start thinking about the possibilities.
Is there a career you find interesting?
What are your ideas on a possible major/minor/area of interest?
What are you looking for in a college?
Are you willing to go to college outside of California?
Do you have a dream college?
Have you visited colleges? If so, please state:
List the names of colleges you are thinking about:
Input the code below